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Challenges of Digital Content Distribution


Protecting your premium content is biggest concern while doing online business which happens by user Id / Password sharing, Screen recording, Camera recording and downloads  

Maintaining Multiple Solutions

Loosing precious time in maintaining multiple tools for Test Engine, VOD Website, Video Encryption, Android App, Live streaming rather than focusing on core business of education?

Either Online or Offline

I can either distribute content via online streaming  or via pen drive through a single solution. Cloud provide convenience and offline provides security. Need a solution which can provide both of them.


Today educational/coaching institutes are struggling to expand and not able to multiply their student base/revenue resulting in slow growth and reduced profits. Online model is quite popular however it needs a lot of capital as well as suffers from many issue.

What is iShieldProtect®?

A solution which lets you secure your educational content like videos and books in bullet proof way and let you stream over Internet or distribute offline on any kind of device.

Solution Designed for Education Market

A Solution which lets you secure your videos and books in bullet proof way and lets you stream over Internet or distribute offline on any kind of device

What's it Provides

Application to encrypt your content and variety of players on Windows, Android, MAC and iOS Platforms for students to view the encrypted content online or offline

What’s Specials

App based Online streaming so no tension of browser plug-ins , downloads and screen capturing.. With complete Security, Technology to play videos even on 3G data, Download & Play and Pen drive options and Android Library to Integrate with your existing Android app.

Flexible Commercial Models

Small or Large institute, we have flexible commercial models to support you on per student model or annual fees model.

Our Advantages


A solution backed by years of research and used by large prestigious companies with global presence

Low Operating and Startup Costs

A single solution for all the platforms, lowers down operational cost drastically . Low capital needed to start

Your Own App

White labeling of the solution makes your brand stand out in students and gives you quick time to market

Best Customer Service

You are backed by experienced , honest team which will be always there with you whenever. Complete peace of mind guaranteed..

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We Promise to Stop Your Content Piracy

Increase Your Business Revenue With

Our Encryption Software

Used By 2 Lakhs + Students, Still Counting....